The Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan [Updated September 2024]

Posted on: 16 September, 2024

The Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan [Updated September 2024]

The Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan [Updated September 2024]

Petrol plays a significant role in any country’s economy as it is directly proportional to numerous products, services, and goods prices. Likewise, Pakistan is a developing country and the most famous in agriculture, so petrol and diesel are included in the basic needs of the common man and farmers as well. Certainly, petrol fuel prices are influenced by several reasons including the cost of natural petroleum, its refining, market cost, profits, and sundry taxes as well.

As Pakistan faced the economic crisis that’s why the petrol prices couldn’t be constant and fluctuated in recent months. So, to ease the common man Federal government offers various subsidies such as the Pakistani Federal Government providing subsidies of millions just to give comfort to the public. Certainly, Pakistan has not fixed annual fuel subsidies like many other countries. But still, our government will decrease the current petrol prices in the last of August 2024 to give some relief to the public.

The petrol new prices from September 2024 of numerous well-known and most used fuels such as High-speed diesel(HSD), Kerosene oil(SKO), and light-speed Diesel in Pakistan according to the latest news are listed in the following table and the given fuel prices are according to the per little in PKR. 

Name of Fuel New price from September 2024 Old price before September Difference
Petrol     259.10      260.96   -1.86
High speed diesel(HSD) 266.07   272.97   -6.70
Kerosene oil(SKO) 186.86 173.48     +13.38
Light Speed Diesel(LDO) 166.86   161.17 +7.69


However, it is important to take note that the newer and more liberalized global oil market is still quite volatile as seen in the new reduction of the petrol prices. New factors that may influence it include fluctuating geopolitical outlook, or changes in consumer trends, globally. This is an indication that the government will need to constantly keep abreast with these factors and even alter its policies to ensure stability in the economy. The cut in the petrol prices which was implemented in September 2024 is really a great gesture for the consumers and Pakistan businesses.

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